SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our nursery
About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

At OTR ,We strive to provide a clean, safe and educational environment for young children . Within our care, children develop skills that promote physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth. We believe in being supportive of our parents and we welcome their positive involvement and presence at all times. We further believe that within our environment, children can thrive and have the opportunity to blossom into responsible citizens.
We are dedicated and committed to our children by providing exceptional education and quality child care. It is our philosophy to focus on the needs of the child by providing a stimulating atmosphere for learning along with a secure loving environment. It is our belief that a childcare facility should be an extension of each child's family. Our teachers and parents are encouraged to work together to provide the love and support needed as your child reaches developmental milestones and his/her own personal achievements! We are passionate about education and providing our children with the tools to be successful in life.
Health & Safety
We are what we eat !We know that good nutrition contributes to effective learning in children. Numerous studies have demonstrated that eating breakfast regularly will boost your child's ability to learn, to think quickly, to pay attention and even to get along with others. Our child nutrition program includes Morning snacks, lunch and evening snacks. Every lunch and snack is nutritionally balanced and meets requirements regarding food components and portion size.
Safety of our children is of utmost important to us, and we are committed to adhere to the highest safety standards possible while you are away from them. Our campuses are under cc-tv surveillance and the facilities are reviewed periodically for any potential safety hazards. We train our staff to build a positive safety culture within the organisation.