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Fun, Creativity & Holistic Development


Allow ongoing exploration of a wide variety of age-appropriate art materials and tools including crayons, paint, glue, play dough, etc.Offer opportunities to participate in pretend or imaginative play in the dramatic play area, as well as with puppets and other people or animal figures.


Offer a variety of recorded music to listen and move freely to. 


Provide experiences that allow children to further develop coordination and balance.Encourage fine motor development by encouraging children to use their hands and fingers in classroom activities. Large muscle development is important at this age, to practice skills and to lay the foundation for an active, healthy lifestyle. Small muscle development is important as well, to develop hand-eye coordination and to ensure their hand muscles are strong as they began to write.


Share songs and finger-plays with rhyme and repetition. Describe what teachers are doing as well as what the child is doing, so that children will hear more language and connect words to actions. Read books and tell stories about pictures as well as create opportunities for children to explore books independently.  Provide opportunities for children to explore drawing, writing and painting as a way of communication.  Encourage children to dictate a story or description of what they are creating.


Use mathematical language, such as large/small, under/over, up/down to describe position and location.

Provide toys that engage children in exploring size and shape, such as blocks. Provide opportunities to count while touching a variety of objects.

Provide opportunities to explain if something is more or less, first or last. For example, “Is that more or less than the number of red blocks we have in the basket?”.  Provide opportunities to complete simple patterning activities with materials like lacing beads or pop beads.  Allow independent exploration of puzzles and sorting materials.

Life Science

Young children are natural scientists who explore their world whenever the opportunity arises.  Life science is learning about living things and preschoolers are fascinated by people, animals and plants. Teacher guidance and structure expands their curiosity and activities into something more scientific

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